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English edition (Book Two)

AÏXA Snow Castles Youth book

ISBN : 978-2-922754-34-6

ISBN : 2-922754-05-7

Author : Florence Bolté
Illustrator : Mentalo





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Aïxa goes to a country where everything is a surprise: the cold, snow, boots, trees, school, the streets, the games, the food and even the lette ‘r’. Will she be able to adapt to so many changes and grow to love her new country?

Also available in French, Spanish and Italian.



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© ANIMATHON INC. (Pirouli)
All rights reserved for all countries

magazine 7 jours
Revista 7 jours

'' My most beautiful discoveries, I have often made them while reading. I remember that every Christmas a book was waiting for us, my brother and I, under the tree. Here are some youth suggestions to maintain this happy tradition ...
AÏXA Castles of sand, AÏXA Castles of snow.

'' Revue 7 Jours '', December 14, 2007 by Anne Bourgoin (**** 1/2 (between very good **** and a must! *****).

Translations from French

Lise D. Teacher

AÏXA tells a story lived by some of the students I taught in the host class for their francization and their welcome in this new country of ours. Charming little AÏXA. Charming your books. Bravo.

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